Comparison of Toronto's Municipal Budget to the Municipal Budget of 16 Similarly Ranked Cities.

Arthur Gron
Nov., 2017.

The purpose of this research paper is to determine if the overall size of Toronto's budget is within a reasonable range of other cities' that are similarly ranked to Toronto.

The 16 cities chosen, were based on the Globalization and World Cities Research Network ranking of world cities.( To simplify the research, only municipalities with budgets published in English were selected. The most recent, fully published budget on the municipalities' website were used. Also Alpha++ cities were excluded, as the size of those cities' budgets were magnitudes larger than Toronto's.

One limiting factor in the research conduced was that only the official political boundary for a city was used. For example Toronto's metropolitan region may include Peel, and Durham for some, other's may consider the boundary area of metropolitan Toronto to include Hamilton and Newmarket. The discrepancy between the official boundaries of a city and a metropolitan area pronounced particularly for places such as Sydney and Atlanta. However by prorating the total budget expenditure by total population gives how much each city is spending per individual. This allows for some direct comparison.

Ranking of Cities by Total Budget

City Budget $CAD Budget $USD Population
Manchester 356,458,140 278,796,960 550,000
Sydney 55,4702,419 435,924,078 205,339
Melbourne 588,793,828 460,205,041 136,000
Atlanta 825,127,960 648,647,258 472,522
Dublin 1,435,581,461 1,128,448,857 527,612
Edinburgh 1,628,008,560 1,272,884,129 492,680
Auckland 3,233,872,221 2,529,019,890 1,614,400
Boston 4,016,892,100 3,140,000,000 673,184
Dallas 4,082,912,679 3,194,892,351 1,317,929
Houston 6,645,340,000 5,200,000,000 2,303,482
Miami-Dade 9,471,718,996 7,404,032,000 2,712,945
Toronto 12,300,000,000 9,669,697,291 2,800,000
Los Angeles 12,385,919,117 9,743,830,703 3,976,322
Chicago 12,805,442,650 10,010,000,000 2,704,958
San Francisco 12,929,403,428 10,106,900,000 870,887
Washington 17,781,783,500 13,900,000,000 681,170
Singapore 68,795,585,975 53,802,762,391 5,612,300

Ranking of Cities by Spending Per Capita

City $CAD $USD
Manchester 648 507
Atlanta 1746 1373
Auckland 2003 1567
Sydney 2701 2123
Dublin 2721 2139
Houston 2885 2257
Dallas 3098 2424
Los Angeles 3115 2450
Edinburgh 3304 2584
Miami-Dade 3491 2729
Melbourne 4329 3384
Toronto 4393 3453
Chicago 4734 3700
Boston 5967 4664
Singapore 12258 9587
San Francisco 14846 11605
Washington 26105 20406

Singpore was left off the graph as it was an outlier.

Singpore was left off the graph as it was an outlier.

Open Data File



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